Monday, December 8, 2008

It was good enough to sell

So, I just drove 10 miles there and 10 miles back. FOR NOTHING. It was time to sell back my books - a big fat hardback American History book that cost me $70 5 weeks ago and a worn and torn English Lit book that cost me about $50. OK so I guess I shouldn't have read the English stuff in the tub - that probably explains the 2 pages of water damage. I thought it gave it character, however the book store said I am now the proud owner of said water damaged English Lit book. But the History? The binding is coming off. I asked if I could super glue it and they pleasant lady didn't even crack a smile.


Caps said...

Yay! Welcome to the bloggy world!

Lori said...

Yea You! Now I have to figure out how to link to you, but have no fear! I will. Hey I'm thinking of starting a virtual garage sale site. You know, where we can all post our crap for other people to buy. Sort of like ebay without the bidding part. What do you think?

Sorry about the books! You can put them on my garage sale page if I get it up and running!

Reenie said...

whooohooo!!! You go girl!